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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

salt optics

i was recently given the opportunity to work with salt optics on a window display at soco mix here in the oc. thanks steve! i was not familiar with their brand until this project. i am totally hooked now. when i went to pick up their items for the window i was immediately inspired by the simplistic design of their office space designed by roger russell. it reminds me of the same design principles that apple uses to create their products and stores. simple. i am completely drawn to the practicality of the space. the use of the bright blue hue and using it sparingly and in repetition really makes, a again, a simple but impactful design gesture. on a side note, while i was there i only saw one accessory. it was a jonathan adler white ceramic fist with the word 'love' on the knuckles. so great! i can totally accessorize a room to death. however, at the moment, i'm trying to practice some restraint in my design practice. the salt office was perfect inspiration for me. bravo roger and salt! xo amanda

love what this says!

great conference room!
how cute it this? All their friend here in their conference room with them. so fun!

ok...this makes me die. no wires, no clutter. these machines look like they actually work.
this is the best!

below are some of my favorite frames by salt!! i cannot wait to get a pair for myself. super fantastic!! Thanks Taylor for giving me permission to photograph and post on salt.

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