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Friday, November 11, 2011

This Week I...

Am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

No not that kind of light. 
"Step into the light Carol Ann!"

That movie still terrifies me. I watched it with my brother when I was eight. Yes, eight. WAY too young! I was terrified but didn't want him to know so I acted like I could handle it. For the next two weeks, I slept on the floor next to my dad's side of the bed. Oh, I should mention that I had a huge tree right outside my bedroom window that I was certain was going to pull me through it and suck me into the Underworld. Eeek.

Worked on an e-decorating client's house...

Working on a design client's house...this isn't final and there is lots to come on this house but I got caught up on her daughter's bathroom. What can I say, I'm a girl. 

Went to see The Eli Young Band. They played on a boat. Not sure if you can even see them in this photo. This is how old  (dumb? lame? out of it?) I am...I thought we would be among like 30 people there. We were among like 300 people! And I am pretty sure there was a fraternity party going on. At least that is what it felt like. I'm not gonna lie...I enjoyed the eye candy (cough: cougar) but not the line for the bathroom. While in line, I noticed I had on (basically) the same outfit as the twenty-four year old in front of me. I am not sure if that should make me feel proud or embarrassed? 

This week's featured item in my booth over at Southern Accents is this adorable coral lamp! 
lacquered white base and mint green coral lamp/finial with white shade

Don't forget to like Eclectic on Facebook so you can see my daily updates!

Look at the happy couple gazing into each other's eyes...
Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong?
Sail away with me to another world
And we rely on each other, ah-ah

(Have I ever mentioned that that is my favorite song of all time? No joke. Stop laughing.)

Have a good weekend! 

Hope the Dawgs beat Auburn! Woof Woof!

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