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Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday round-up

We had so many things happening this week that I don't know where I am...So here is a short round-up on what I can remember...
Our catalogue was featured on the gorgeous House and Garden blog.
We are currently finalizing the second UK drop which is scheduled on 18th November. If you haven't requested your copy yet, please make sure you do so over the weekend.

Stock wise, some products are now already sold out but the good news is that our beloved Feathers art print and Batgirl print are back in stock early next week.
The Rabbit lamp is also back in stock but they go fast.
Do you remember my post here about Shanna Murray gorgeous wall stickers? Well they'll be in stock on Monday.
House Doctor DK is sending us the last two wooden desks for 2011 and we will have one side table available.
There is still a few tickets left for our Wine Tasting/Fashion evening and our team will be all there to meet you all and offer you 15% on anything from the catalogue that evening, should you wish to attend.

Last but not least, we are launching the BODIE and FOU Catalogue App for iPad at the end of the month!!! I'm very excited by this because since I have been using Kelly Hoppen's App at home, it has been on my wishlist of things to do with BODIE and FOU.
We are working with Pilkington Bedwell on this, a company that did great Apps for Donna Wilson and a lot of other big companies.
The BODIE and FOU Catalogue App for iPad will be free and available worldwide.
So that's about it for now, Mila has a sleepover at her friend tonight so I'm going on a date with my man.
Have a wonderful weekend!

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