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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Neat as a pin - Gucci Resort 2012

I'm leaving for St. John ( I haven't been to a warm destination in years, so I'm pretty giddy about my trip)  in a couple of weeks, so I'm on the look out for some new resort wear. I just want to add a couple of items to my warm weather frocks. Pictured is Gucci's 2012 resort line. With the exception of this first image and of course the sandals and shades, this line doesn't look overly "resort" like to me. Chic, yes. Tailored, yes. Resort, not so much. I do love the looks though!! I wear black all winter, so I don't think I'll be packing any black for my trip.
I'm still loving red pants. You don't get much more classic then red and black.
This is a cute look. You need to be a rail to wear it, but cute! (again, great little red bag)

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