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Friday, April 1, 2011

It's not national doughnut day. I'm just thinking about them.

my friend chis answered the question below in the ask chris section of la magazine. anyone who knows me knows i love doughnuts. LOVE them. I have purchased many of these pink boxes full of them and i love how pink they ARE. xo amanda

Question: Why does Los Angeles seem to be the only city in the country with pink doughnut boxes?


No, they’re not a tribute to Angelyne. Cambodians fleeing the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s arrived in large numbers in Southern California, where they were recruited by Win-chell’s. At the time the coated, greaseproof boxes that held the pastries were costly and came in white, the color of mourning in Cambodia. So the immigrants found a company, Evergreen in Cerritos, that made the boxes cheaper and uncoated in pink. They will soon be seen in the Midwest, says Len Bell, who was a Winchell’s division manager in the ’70s. One Cambodian shop owner, he says, recently moved to St. Louis with a trailer full of the boxes. But we’ll still be the capital of dough-nuts, annually consuming more than 750 million of them, mostly at independent enterprises.

btw national doughnut day is the first friday of june. I know!! really far away from now. just keep it mind. quick story! one time jolene and I went to the above location ON doughnut day to purchase a yummy doughnut. we chose this location based on their "tiny" signage. to our dismay we were actually surprised to find out that they actually server more coffee than doughnuts now. They keep the giganto doughnut because it's historic. so don't be fooled...their selection is slim to none in the "d" department.

"National Doughnut Day was established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to raise much-needed funds during the Great Depression, and to honor the work of World War I Salvation Army volunteers who prepared doughnuts and other foods for thousands of soldiers."

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