from the color forecasting trends of this season to the fashion finds of the stockholm pavement, i decided to combine interior inspiration images with street style trends. the fashion color trends are labeled as three different groups: chic, classic, and casual. the difference between the interior shots and the fashion pictures: color. interior designers are not afraid to punch a room up with color, but with fashion, the color is mainly in the accessories, at least in stockholm this season. jolene.
chic: these are more of the solid, cold tones. the inspiration from this trend is compiled from digital settings. they are really edgy and playful. i am loving the colors in the book shelves below, not to mention the varying shades of blues in the hallway. i'm a blue girl, so matter if it is a color forecasting trend or not, i'm always swayed by that color. i like to think it's because my room growing up was blue...perhaps the 'rents wanted a boy?

classic: this trend is often found in the diluted tones. clean and earthy. neutral bases with accents of these slightly weakened bright colors. this is my mantra when designing my domicile. when you have a base in neutrals, the accessories can easily be changed depending on the trends.
casual: dynamic brilliance. this style is really related to the technology industry. pops of unexpected colors that keep things interesting and fun. red afro. purple room. enough said.

*images from marie claire maison and stockholm street style.
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